Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Favorite Web Site

Hi! Everybody!
Today is talking about of my favorite web site(s) in the internet.
I'm a constant user of this technology and every day visit much pages in the web, but the pages that usually open are facebook, gmail, "La Tercera" newspaper, meteochile, etc.
But my favorite page is Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is the great page because is a sea of knowlegdes. Contain much useful information about a variety of topics in form of the one great encyclopedia, and is, on my perception, the best example of the power of the Web 2.0, that leave in the hands of the users the construction of the Web, orienting to the his interest.
For this reason, the page is understimate because only person (or user) can modificate the information contained in one of its articules, but even so i consider this page like a great "stimulator" of my mind, and i resort to it each time that need know about some topic or simply wants to distract me in some thing.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Song

Hi everybody!

Today is talking about for a song that i make it during 2008.

For this forced feelings expresion, i chose "Lomesome Tears" of Beck for the album called "Sea Change".

This song are mean very important to me because this song is part for my natural process of association of the music with the certain moments, important or not, notable or irrelevant since in the distance of the time, but for some reason is marked in my memory.

In this case, this song reminds me for a past Winter, since a bus travel did to my conscience fly in the icy wind of the night. This state is perfect on one moment in which my mind passed by a change moments, because my life had passed by moments of the great confusion by situations that i prefer not to describe here..

In reality, this songs is more important for my for the sensations to generate me that the lyric meanings. Althought, i don't understand much this language now, I satisfied me by the instrospective an magic atmosphere that percieve me for this song...

The Lyric:

Lonesome tears

I can't cry them anymore

I can't think of what they're for

Oh they ruin me every time

But I'll try

And leave behind some days

These tears just can't erase

I don't need them anymore

How could this love ever-turning

Never turn its eye on me?

How could this love ever-changing

Never change the way I feel?

Lazy sun

Your eyes catch the light

With the promises that might

Come true for a while

Oh I'll ride

Farther than I should

Harder than I could

Just to meet you there

How could this love ever-turning

Never turn its eye on me?

How could this love ever-changing

Never change the way the feel?