Hi! Everybody!
Today is talking about of my favorite web site(s) in the internet.
I'm a constant user of this technology and every day visit much pages in the web, but the pages that usually open are facebook, gmail, "La Tercera" newspaper, meteochile, etc.
But my favorite page is Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is the great page because is a sea of knowlegdes. Contain much useful information about a variety of topics in form of the one great encyclopedia, and is, on my perception, the best example of the power of the Web 2.0, that leave in the hands of the users the construction of the Web, orienting to the his interest.
For this reason, the page is understimate because only person (or user) can modificate the information contained in one of its articules, but even so i consider this page like a great "stimulator" of my mind, and i resort to it each time that need know about some topic or simply wants to distract me in some thing.
Today is talking about of my favorite web site(s) in the internet.
I'm a constant user of this technology and every day visit much pages in the web, but the pages that usually open are facebook, gmail, "La Tercera" newspaper, meteochile, etc.
But my favorite page is Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is the great page because is a sea of knowlegdes. Contain much useful information about a variety of topics in form of the one great encyclopedia, and is, on my perception, the best example of the power of the Web 2.0, that leave in the hands of the users the construction of the Web, orienting to the his interest.
For this reason, the page is understimate because only person (or user) can modificate the information contained in one of its articules, but even so i consider this page like a great "stimulator" of my mind, and i resort to it each time that need know about some topic or simply wants to distract me in some thing.