Friday, July 3, 2009

About this experience...

Well, in reality, i have some experience in blogging in the past. When, i'm 14 or 15 years old, i'm created a blog, in where wrote about my life, my feelings or only for the need of write that had in this time. After, i'm created others blogs with similar intentions or of political topics, etc. But really, i never was constant in the develop of this blogs, and actually, most of these are lost in the cyber-space.
I think that the blogging experience is very good, and is very important in this time of the internet life, or in other words, in the web 2.0, because this tools allow that the people can build the web that them need, and is a good tool of expresion for much people. And like this is based in writing, in my opinion is a good strategy for learning this language -english- or any other, because this is a good exercise for writing, because on speak about a variety of topics, force to search and use a multiple new words or verbal forms, and of this form learn and improve in the writing.
I'm really feel one advance on my english on this semester, but i don't know that this is true, althought in conclusion, this -the blogging- is a very good technique in the languaje teaching.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

My ideal job or My ideal life.

I don’t think really about to my favorite or my ideal job, but I suppose that this is related by my favorites knowledge areas or this would be one job that to give me an enough freedom. In other words, i don’t like a job that enslaved in one office for the rest of my life, or one job that is monotone, in where i have a one funtion. I'm need fell free. I'm need use my knowledge, my experience and my capacities in some thing that is useful to the others, to the society. For this reason i'm never working in one thing for produce money to other person or one company.

For this, my favorite job probably is related by the social things, the social science. I'm need study really much for this, and not ever precisely a lucrative business, moreover, this is a sociaty that regonize much more others careers, that give sucess in one world where this is measure in dollars... But i think that regardless of this, to be worth make the sacrifice. I think thar what really matter is that only person make what believe correct, what make happy and not influenced for others parameters.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Critique to "Mangi's" Blog.

Hi, Everybody!
Today, I’m have a critique on a blog of my classmate and friend Fabian Hernandez, better known as "mangi".
In first time, I’m chose one post in this blog that was called "When the music's over-The Doors", in where he’s talking about of this song as his favorite “Anglo” song.
He, in first place, make an advertence about the difficult of choose a song, because he expose that don’t have a “special” favorite song. This is very true, in my opinion, because when one person really feel the music and one relate this with different moments of the life or of the day, the feelings in this aspect is very variable, although one enclosed some “soundtrack”. In conclusion, the music and the sensations that caused this, does really hard talking to this specific level. I really understand this. He’s confirm my argument later, when talking about the situation (the end of a party) an say that the situation where when this help.
The format of the blog is a bit “cruded”, a “casual”, although in general is good, but I’m miss some images. Is very empty!
I’m would lie if say that read all the blog, but for this comment, I supposed that is very interesting..

See you later!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

One Change.

Hi Everybody!
Today, i'm talking about of the one relevant change in the our politics...
The principal change that i believe that should be done in the chilean politics is the reform to the electoral system, The "Binominal" System.
This system was created in 1980's decade for the leader of "Movimiento Gremialista", Jaime Guzman, between others, on request of the Dictatorship. This system assure the exclusive monopoly of the power, expressed in the only representation for the two majority groups in number of votes in the seats of the two chambers of Congress for our country.
This mechanism excludes of the minoritary -but relevant- opinion and political groups for the legislative discussion, degraded in my opinion the quality of the chilean politic. For this reason, great part of the citzenship are not represented in the congress, sumated for a "territorial logic" of representation to the appointment of seats in some chamber, which generate that the candidates of this seats be negociated in the leadership's of the mayoritary groups/parties favored for this system.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Favorite Web Site

Hi! Everybody!
Today is talking about of my favorite web site(s) in the internet.
I'm a constant user of this technology and every day visit much pages in the web, but the pages that usually open are facebook, gmail, "La Tercera" newspaper, meteochile, etc.
But my favorite page is Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is the great page because is a sea of knowlegdes. Contain much useful information about a variety of topics in form of the one great encyclopedia, and is, on my perception, the best example of the power of the Web 2.0, that leave in the hands of the users the construction of the Web, orienting to the his interest.
For this reason, the page is understimate because only person (or user) can modificate the information contained in one of its articules, but even so i consider this page like a great "stimulator" of my mind, and i resort to it each time that need know about some topic or simply wants to distract me in some thing.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Song

Hi everybody!

Today is talking about for a song that i make it during 2008.

For this forced feelings expresion, i chose "Lomesome Tears" of Beck for the album called "Sea Change".

This song are mean very important to me because this song is part for my natural process of association of the music with the certain moments, important or not, notable or irrelevant since in the distance of the time, but for some reason is marked in my memory.

In this case, this song reminds me for a past Winter, since a bus travel did to my conscience fly in the icy wind of the night. This state is perfect on one moment in which my mind passed by a change moments, because my life had passed by moments of the great confusion by situations that i prefer not to describe here..

In reality, this songs is more important for my for the sensations to generate me that the lyric meanings. Althought, i don't understand much this language now, I satisfied me by the instrospective an magic atmosphere that percieve me for this song...

The Lyric:

Lonesome tears

I can't cry them anymore

I can't think of what they're for

Oh they ruin me every time

But I'll try

And leave behind some days

These tears just can't erase

I don't need them anymore

How could this love ever-turning

Never turn its eye on me?

How could this love ever-changing

Never change the way I feel?

Lazy sun

Your eyes catch the light

With the promises that might

Come true for a while

Oh I'll ride

Farther than I should

Harder than I could

Just to meet you there

How could this love ever-turning

Never turn its eye on me?

How could this love ever-changing

Never change the way the feel?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Favorite Technology

Today is talking about my favorite technology piece.
In my case, the favorite technology is, obviously like great part of the world, the computer and the internet.
Since the appearance of the Personal Computer (PC), the use of this invent it was overcrowed, favoring the human life on centring much activities in one machine, like listen music, write an processing one text, watch a film, etc.
The appearance of the Internet, eneable that more activites are centring in the PC, like read the newspaper, watch tv or to comunicate by other people, and count on much information of several things...¡Is the Alexandria Library of the 21th Century!. In resume, the world is more little than before an the internet is the window to this world.
My firist PC, is buying in 2001? I don't remember really, but i remember the firist time for i have internet in 2002. Since this time, never more gave up using!. I'm use every day for generally to chat with my friends and write some things, listen and discover new kinds of the music, read the newspaper, and read much information.
The Internet is important part of my life...probably see more ignorant and never would have know important people in my life.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

About my Career

My text today is about my career.
I`m study Public Administration because this is a carreer that to allow me to contribute to the society in one important aspect in the life of the nation as the running of the state. Moreover, the multpile subjects to cover in this carrer are very attractive for a one humanist like me.
The Public Administration need much tools for achieve their objetives (Contribuite to the efficiency of the state, or contribute to new public policies -the action course of the goverment-), like knowledges in economics, political science, accounting, management, leadership, etc.
My favorite subject is the courses related by the economics and the political science and in the future i'm hope continue my studies in one specific area connected by my favorite subjects, but always near to the public, because for me this action would make to devote my efforts in one real contribution to the society.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A house in the Sea.

This photo was taken by me in one "mysterious" house that is located in a coastal road between Iquique and Antofagasta in one travel with my parents to the north of Chile in the past summer.

I don't know the history that surround this house, but i believe that for the form of structure (is lika a typical very-rich man's house of the beginning of the twentieth century) and the ruins that is situated in the side, was a ancient mineral foundry abandoned for a many years ago.

The house is in a top of the little hill in the front of the sea, is white and it have two floors. Is a really beatiful postal (si) know appreciate* this type of things. The only problem is that can be to result dangerous enter by in the entrace and the some places is a certain holes. But, the experience can to work very interesting in spite of the this problem or the demacrated condition of the house. Althought, in my opinion this is just the spell of the house...moreover, is a amazing see a "graffities" of the families that was in the house forty or fifteen years ago!

Recomended to the tourists which enjoyed of the "unpleasant", but atractive things...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A new beginning.

My name is Roberto Valenzuela, and i'm study Public Administration in the Universidad de Chile.
This new space in the blogosphere was created, like one attempt for to improve on my english one more time. Really, i don't have much hopes in this semester for this. But i know that one day, speak this idiom it must be necesary in my life. Because of, my only intention in this time is to make progress a little bit for a long-period objetive.